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InternetSoft Urgent Backup v3.50 資料備份軟體 英文正式版
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2010年11月最新版!
2010.11.08 全新〞光榮 〞上市 軟體急先鋒(
InternetSoft Urgent Backup v3.50 資料備份軟體 英文正式版
Urgent Backup is an easy-to-use tool that allows you to backup your data.
The program copies files and folders from one location to another on the same
drive, another drive, ftp server or across the network. You can set up projects
that describe the source location, the destination location, and the frequency
at which you want to backup the files.
As you know, now that we have been using personal computers for some time,
the value of the information maintained on a hard disk is becoming higher than
the cost of the system. This fact is important for business people that work with
important documents and reports on their computers, as well as for students doing
homework or writing term papers; for journalists writing articles, authors composing
their literary works, or programmers developing software. Even for the average user,
who does not keep commercially valuable documents and projects on the computer,
the value of domestic records ?photographs, videos, children drawings ?is extremely
important. It is unlikely any user would be happy if he suddenly lost all the data on
his hard drive.
Are computer catastrophes a significant risk?
The risk is always there. A failure of the operating system, a sudden drop of electricity,
destructive activity by computer viruses, deletion or corruption of materials as a result
of unsanctioned access to your system. There is also a large number of dangers unconnected
to the operation of the equipment and software. Your files might be accidentally deleted by
a child interested in running his fingers along the keyboard, while a blown battery can wash
the computer with water and cause the system to become worthless. There is a large number of
potential dangers, and all these in one second could reduce many days of work to nothing.
Urgent backup to protect your information
So how can you safeguard electronic materials that you keep on your hard drive from various
types of unexpected misfortunes? One of the best and most effective solutions is a backup
copying and data recovery program. Of the wide array of similar products Urgent Backup for
Windows is distinguished by its security.
Urgent Backup includes the functions of backup copying of the information on your hard drive.
To save your data, you can opt for compact disk, DVD, USB Flash Drive, a remote FTP-server,
or a network drive that you find convenient to work with.
Here are the problems you can solve with Urgent Backup :
Avoid critical data loss with automated backups.
Ease the process of gathering files from various folders by using profiles
(saved backup scenarios)
Make exact copies of documents or databases located on other computers in your LAN. For
example, you may need to have local copies of some documents created by your colleagues
on regular basis.
Synchronize data between your main and remote offices or remote affiliates.
Restore your data after a virus infection or a hard disk crash.
Transfer data over the Internet, logging all the operations.
Use your existing FTP servers through your existing proxy servers (if any) to backup your data.
Synchronize data between your local PC and a database on your web site.
Schedule time-consuming tasks to effectively use your network bandwidth and processors time.
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