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JS8 Media AudioRefurb v3.01 MacOSX 調整音量大小和音質的軟體 英文破解版
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2010年11月最新版!
2010.11.08 全新〞光榮 〞上市 軟體急先鋒(
JS8 Media AudioRefurb v3.01 MacOSX 調整音量大小和音質的軟體 英文破解版
Multiple audio control panels to allow you to improve and alter the sound of your audio files.
Easy-to-apply audio effects and filters, including distortion, delay, reverb, bandpass, etc.
31-band graphic equalizer for very detailed control of sound quality.
Fine tune each audio filter with a variety of detailed controls.
Export the improved sound of your audio files, ready to go on your iPod.
Full-featured demo.
Core Animation integration for an efficient user interface.
Many pre-configured presets for all audio controls and effects. Easily add and save your own presets.
AudioRefurb is a powerful but inexpensive new audio processing application that you can use in many
different situations. Use the 31-band graphic equalizer to get the precise sound quality you want
for an audio file, then export it to a new file; now the improved sound file can be copied onto
your iPod, no more messing around with the controls on your iPod to get the right sound. Or use
any of AudioRefurb's audio effect controls to apply effects such as distortion, delay, reverb,
etc. All of AudioRefurb's features can be tried in demo mode and purchase of a license for $20
allows you to export audio files with the sound altered as you choose using any of the controls.
AudioRefurb makes use of the powerful Core Animation technology to allow all of the controls for
the many audio effects to be efficiently viewed.
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