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  Traction Software Batch Photo Processor v2.01 批量圖像處理工具 英文破解版


   Traction Software Batch Photo Processor v2.01 批量圖像處理工具 英文破解版
                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2010年11月最新版!
         For WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003/WIN VISTA


 2010.11.08 全新〞光榮 〞上市      軟體補給站(
   Traction Software Batch Photo Processor v2.01 批量圖像處理工具 英文破解版



破解說明:請使用\K3yG3n 目錄下的K3yG3n序號機產生序號

Special Notes:                                                           
This program is using several anti-piracy techniques such as:           
1) Do NOT run the keygen while running the program.                     
2) Do not have any other window/s open with any warez related captions  
such as: dissassemble, w32dasm, softice, keygen, serials & keys, crackz,
crackdb, 0day, 0-day keymaker, keym4ker, warez, appz...Any other warez  
related captions.                                                       
3) You can only make one faulty attempt to register in an hour.         
4) Do NOT use Copy&Paste, Write the key manually.                       
This keygen was tested and is 100% working, If you did try all the above
and still didn't manage to register, Please wait 1 hour, Restart your   
computer, Have a CLEAN desktop, Write the generated key from the keygen t
notepad, Close the keygen, Run the application and write the key manually
in order to register.                                                   
If you don't want to enter the serial manually, feel free to use the    
"Auto registration" button. It'll also reset the 1 hour limit incase you
entered an invalid serial. 

軟體簡介:Batch Photo Processor 是一款批量圖像處理工具,程式支援包括BMP. JPG.

GIF. TIF. PNG和PDF等多種文檔格式,可以進行諸如Crop、Detect rotate、Email Test、

Flip、High、itouch &iphone、lighten、low、output PDF low、Output TIFF、Output

TIFF Gary、PDF output、PDF to jpg、PDF to tiff、PDF rotate、rotate、sharpen、split

cmyk、split rgb等十幾種操作。




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