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Vizimag v3.193 物理磁場研究軟體 英文破解版
Vizimag v3.193 物理磁場研究軟體 英文破解版
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2010年11月最新版!
2010.11.08 全新〞光榮 〞上市 軟體補給站(
Vizimag v3.193 物理磁場研究軟體 英文破解版
Transformer analysis: A manual mode calculates the parameters of a transformer
equivalent circuit The model mode takes data from a Vizimag model and calculates
flux coupling and inductance from a Vizimag simulation. Variable geometry and air
coupled modes. The manual mode will remain working when the trial period is over.
Force function: The magnetic force on a selected object can be calculated with a
single click. Available on all objects.
Flux density contours: A set of fixed, or user defined, contours can be plotted on
the flux density display. The contours can be marked using the annotation function.
Line width can be changed.
Annotation: The plot area can be annotated. The annotation is saved with the model.
Animation mode: Simple text script, syntax checking, error checking, full control
of display modes and animation speed, plot B or H: magnitude, normal or tangential
to plot line, export of plot data for each frame of an animation.
Magnetic models: rectangular, toroidal and curved magnets, solenoids and regions;
disc magnet; triangular and circular regions, freeform magnets and solenoids;
external fields.
Editing functions: Add, move, copy, rotate, flip, switch poles, size, zoom and pan,
delete key, arrow key fine adjustment, cycle select, grid scaling, direct dimension
entry, keyboard shortcuts, undo/redo, groups.
Inductance: the inductance of solenoids and toroids is estimated from the analysis
Superconductivity: Wires and magnetic regions can be made superconducting.
Text script import: A text script can be used for most objects.
Calculator mode: The calculator mode allows the flux density of a single or multi-layer
air-cored solenoid to be calculated anywhere on or off-axis. The calculation is from the
theoretical equations and is accurate to several decimal places. this function remains
working when the trial period is over.
Full graphical interface: toolbars, status readouts, B, Bx, By and angle read out.
Analysis meshes: up to 800 X 800.
Plot facility: options include log axis and titles. B or H, magnitude or normal or
tangential to plot line. Integrals and averages are shown where appropriate. Plot can
use manual start\stop points or the mouse.
Other features: Optional export of plot data in spreadsheet compatible format.
Option to export plot data for each frame of an animation in a multi-worksheet spreadsheet.
Simple visualize or full absolute units modes.
Snap to grid feature.
Automatic saving of an analysis run.
bmp, gif and jpg clipboard formats.
Field line and flux density displays.
Option to have wires enclosed in core material.
Models entered with a few mouse clicks.
Vizimag is designed for fast, intuitive modeling and calculation, and can be used by scientists
and engineers, or as a teaching aid to demonstrate the principles of magnetic materials and circuits.
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